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고등영어 구문특강 final 2회 4번 문장별 2회 듣기



Most frogs lay eggs in water.

But the place the African gray treefrog lays eggs is in a nest in a tree.

The female frog climbs onto a branch above a pool of water.

She releases a thick liquid, and before it has a chance to drip into the pool, she kicks it with her hind legs.

She does this repeatedly, allowing the drops of liquid to swell like small balloons.

Soon she whipped the liquid into a big blob of foam.

After that, she lays eggs in this foam.

After she lays eggs in this foam nest, male frogs fertilize them, and then the outer bubbles harden.

Thanks to the 'hard case,' the foam inside stays moist-a perfect place for
the eggs to hatch into tadpoles.

A few days later, the tadpoles all wiggle out and fall into the water.


frogs - [명사] 개구리
lay eggs - [동사구] 알을 낳다
water - [명사] 물
African gray treefrog - [명사] 아프리카 회색 나무개구리
nest - [명사] 둥지
tree - [명사] 나무
female - [명사] 암컷
branch - [명사] 가지
pool - [명사] 웅덩이
release - [동사] 방출하다

thick liquid - [명사구] 끈적한 액체
drip - [동사] 떨어지다
hind legs - [명사] 뒷다리
kick - [동사] 차다
drops - [명사] 방울
swell - [동사] 부풀다
balloons - [명사] 풍선
foam - [명사] 거품
fertilize - [동사] 수정시키다
harden - [동사] 굳다
moist - [형용사] 축축한
hatch - [동사] 부화하다
tadpoles - [명사] 올챙이


