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고등영어 구문특강 final 2회 7번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기


Hey Mr. Gordon,

Thanks a bunch for checking us out!
We're Magazine Literacy.org, the only worldwide movement dedicated to helping kids and their families get into reading with the help of magazines.
This pack's got all the deets about what we do and how you can team up with us to spread the love for reading.
Everything's also up online in a digital format.
Joining us as a partner means you could really make a splash.
We're not just about cash donations; we dig any skills you've got that can help in making, spreading, and getting our stuff out there.

Charles Winston


thanks a bunch - [구] 정말 고마워
checking out - [구] 확인하다
worldwide - [형용사] 전 세계적인
movement - [명사] 운동, 활동
dedicated - [형용사] 전념한
get into - [구] ~에 빠지다
pack - [명사] 패키지, 묶음
deets - [명사] (details의 속어) 세부 사항
team up - [구] 협력하다

spread the love - [구] 사랑을 전파하다
digital format - [구] 디지털 형식
joining - [동사] 가입하다
make a splash - [구] 큰 인상을 남기다
cash donations - [구] 현금 기부
dig - [동사] (속어) 좋아하다
skills - [명사] 기술, 능력
spreading - [동사] 퍼뜨리다
getting out there - [구] 널리 알리다
cheers - [구] 감사, 인사말


