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고등 구문특강 1강 2번 문장별 2회 듣기 mp3


Remembering when Christopher Columbus discovered America is easy enough if you use visualization. For example, imagine Columbus standing on the beach with his ships in the harbor in the background. Fortunately, unrealistic images work well, and you could imagine Columbus's boat having the large numerals 1492 printed on its side, or Columbus reviewing his account books after the trip and seeing in dismay that the trip cost him $1,492. You could imagine something still more fanciful: Since 1492 sounds like the phrase "for tea, nightie two," you might imagine Columbus serving tea in his nightie to two Indians. A weird image like this is often easier to remember because its silliness makes it more memorable.
고등 구문특강 1강 2번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기


Remembering-[verb] 기억하다, 기억하기
Christopher Columbus-[noun] 크리스토퍼 콜럼버스
discover-[verb] 발견하다
America-[noun] 아메리카
beach-[noun] 해변
ship-[noun] 배
harbor-[noun] 항구
background-[noun] 배경
unrealistic-[adjective] 비현실적인
large-[adjective] 큰
numeral-[noun] 숫자
printed-[adjective] 인쇄된
account books-[noun] 회계부
trip-[noun] 여행
cost-[verb] 비용이 들다
tea-[noun] 차
nightie-[noun] 잠옷
Indians-[noun] 인디언
visualization-[noun] 시각화
review-[동사] 검토하다
fanciful -[형용사] 비현실적인
memorable-[형용사] 기억에 남는
absurd[형용사] 현실성 없는
weird-[adjective] 이상한

