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Let's Go to the Flea Market

Friday, May 25th

Tomorrow, my sister and I will sell
things at the flea market!
We found many good items around the
I cleaned them, and she made their price
These things are ready for new owners

Every Saturday 10:00 - 16:00

Saturday, May 26th

We arrived at the flea market around ten
I put our items on the table.
My sister shouted, “Good items here!“.
People enjoyed looking at them, but they
didn't buy anything.
Then, a girl came.
She said, “I like these shoes. But they're a little expensive.“
“Okay, then you can have a 20 percent
discount,“ I said.
She was our first customer!
Time passed, and we got tired.
Then a woman said, “Keep trying!“.
She had a table next to us.
She gave some bread to us.
We started shouting again, “Best prices
In the end, we sold many things.
How much did we make?
We got 24,000 won.
That's great!
How will we use this money?
First, we will save half of the money.
Then, we will donate 20 percent of the
rest for hungry children.
After that, we will go shopping.
Maybe we will buy things at the flea
market at low prices!


arrive 도착하다
shout 외치다, 소리치다
enjoy 즐기다
buy 사다
expensive 비싼
discount (가격) 할인
flea market 벼룩시장

May 5월
sell 팔다
find 찾다
item 항목, *물품
around *여기저기, 둘레에
price tag 가격표
ready for …에 대해 준비된
owner 주인
believe 믿다
wake up 일어나다
fast food 패스트푸드
keep a diary 일기를 쓰다
learn 배우다
foreign 외국의
backpack 배낭
outside 겉에, 밖에
inside 안에, 속에
wide [waid] 폭이 …인

customer 손님, 고객
pass 지나가다, *(시간이) 흐르다
tired 피곤한, 지친
keep 계속 …하다
bread 빵
best price 최저가

breakfast 아침식사
take a walk 산책하다
symbol 상징, *기호
famous 유명한
front 앞면, 앞
bridge 다리, 교량
side 쪽, 측
wild animal 야생동물
make 만들다, *(돈을) 벌다
save 저축하다
half 절반
donate 기부하다
rest 나머지
maybe 부 어쩌면, 아마
low 낮은
just like 마치…같은
month 달, 월
ago (얼마의 시간) 전에


