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고1 노트/교과서 지문 노트

고1영어 능률_김성곤 3과 listen & talk 1 유사지문


Professor Smith: Good morning, Alex! You seem a bit out of sorts today. Did you skip breakfast again?

Student Alex: Morning, Professor. Yeah, I didn't have time to grab anything.

Professor Smith: That's a habit you should reconsider.

A morning meal can fuel your day and sharpen your focus in lectures.

Student Alex: That explains my difficulty in staying engaged. What's a quick breakfast option?

Professor Smith: How about an apple? It's easy to eat on the go and packed with essential nutrients.

Student Alex: Sounds like a plan. Appreciate the advice!

Professor Smith: Did you sleep well last night? Sleep is crucial, yet many students find it elusive.

Student Alex: Honestly, I've been struggling with that. I find it hard to fall asleep.

Professor Smith: Let me share what might be keeping you awake.

Firstly, spending hours on your phone or computer before bed can disrupt your sleep.

The blue light emitted from devices signals your brain to stay alert.

Secondly, snacking at irregular times can unsettle your body's clock, leading to restless nights.

Lastly, engaging in vigorous activities close to bedtime elevates adrenaline levels, making it hard to wind down.

So, try to maintain a regular eating schedule, limit screen time in the evening,

and avoid late-night workouts for a better night's rest!


morning meal - [noun] 아침 식사
fuel - [verb] 연료를 공급하다
sharpen - [verb] 날카롭게 하다
focus - [noun] 초점
lectures - [noun] 강의
apple - [noun] 사과
nutrients - [noun] 영양소
sleep - [noun] 수면

phone - [noun] 전화
computer - [noun] 컴퓨터
blue light - [noun] 파란색 빛
alert - [verb] 경계하다
snacking - [verb] 간식을 먹다
body's clock - [noun] 신체 시계
adrenaline - [noun] 아드레날린


