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고등 구문특강 1강 3번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기

The male Australian bower-bird spends his days constructing an intricate bower in the forest.
This pigeon-sized avian architect meticulously weaves leaves, moss, and twigs into an elaborate structure.
However, this bower is not merely a shelter.
It is solely a mating ground.
The bird's sole aim is to entice a female and mate before she departs to lay eggs elsewhere.
Adorning is the primary fixation in achieving this goal.
Females find a male appealing if his bower is exquisitely decorated.
Consequently, birds incorporate shells, berries, flowers, and silvery leaves into the complex bower.
Moreover, to surpass their competitors, some birds integrate bright coins, spoons, and scraps of aluminum foil.
If a gust of wind disrupts a twig's placement or a leaf withers, they promptly redecorate the bower.


male-[noun] 수컷
Australian-[adjective] 오스트레일리아의
bower-bird-[noun] 꾸미는 조류
creating-[verb] 만드는
fanciful-[adjective] 환상적인, 비현실적인
pigeon-sized-[adjective] 비둘기 크기의
elaborate-[adjective] 정교한
structures-[noun] 구조물
moss-[noun] 이끼
twigs-[noun] 가지
females-[noun] 암컷
withers-[verb] 시들다
immediately-[adverb] 즉시
re-decorate-[verb] 재장식하다
meticulously [부사] 꼼꼼하게
avian [형용사] 새의, 조류의
serve [동사] 사용되다, 기능하다
lure [동사] 유혹하다, 유인하다
establish [동사] 설립하다, 시작하다, 세우다
attractive-[adjective] 매력적인
decorated-[adjective] 장식된
weave-[verb] 짜다
berries-[noun] 나무열매
flowers-[noun] 꽃
additional-[adjective] 추가적인
outshine-[verb] 능가하다
rivals-[noun] 경쟁자들
incorporate-[verb] 포함하다, 어우러뜨리다
scraps-[noun] 조각들
aluminum-[noun] 알루미늄
foil-[noun] 호일
gust-[noun] 돌풍
disturbs-[verb] 방해하다
twig's-[noun] 작은가지의
placement-[noun] 배치, 위치
merely [부사] 그저, 단지
shelter[명사] 피난처
solely[부사] 오로지, 단지
sole [형용사] 유일한, [명사] 바닥
depart [동사] 떠나다
adorn [동사] 꾸미다
fixation [명사] 집착
exquisitely [부사] 정교하게
surpass [동사] 능가하다, 뛰어넘다
integrate [동사] 통합시키다
promptly [부사] 즉시, 제 시간에, 시간을 엄수하며
intricate [형용사] 복잡한, 정교한
silvery-[adjective] 은빛의



