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고1 노트/모의고사 지문 노트

고1 영어 24년 학평 41번 문장별 2회 듣기




Norms are everywhere, defining what is “normal” and guiding our interpretations of social life at every turn.

As a simple example, there is a norm in Anglo society to say Thank you to strangers who have just done something to help, such as open a door for you, point out that you’ve just dropped something, or give you directions.

There is no law that forces you to say Thank you.

But if people don’t say Thank you in these cases it is marked.

People expect that you will say it.

You become responsible.

Failing to say it will be both surprising and worthy of criticism.

Not knowing the norms of another community is the central problem of cross­cultural communication.

To continue the Thank you example, even though another culture may have an expression that appears translatable (many don’t), there may be different norms for its usage, for example, such that you should say Thank you only when the cost someone has caused is considerable.

In such a case it would sound ridiculous (i.e., unexpected, surprising, and worthy of criticism) if you were to thank someone for something so minor as holding a door open for you.


norm 규범
define 규정하다
interpretation 해석
stranger 낯선 사람
marked 눈에 띄는
responsible 책임이 있는
worthy 받을 만한
criticism 비난
central 중심적인
translatable 번역 가능한
considerable 상당한, 고려 가능한
ridiculous 우스꽝스러운
unexpected 예상치 못한
minor 사소한
cross­cultural communication 문화간 소통
pervade 스며들다
delineate 기술하다
juncture 시점
existence-[noun] - 존재
mandate 권한을 주다
deemed-[verb] - 여겨진
guiding-[verb] - 안내하는
societal-[adjective] - 사회의
dynamics-[noun] - 역학
ubiquitous-[adjective] - 널리 퍼져 있는
expressing-[verb] - 표현하는
gratitude-[noun] - 감사
courtesy-[noun] - 예의
conspicuous-[adjective] - 눈에 띄는
criticism-[noun] - 비판
familiarity-[noun] - 친숙함
paramount-[adjective] - 최고의
cross-cultural-[adjective] - 문화 간의
divergent-[adjective] - 다른
dictate-[verb] - 지시하다
reserved-[adjective] - 보존된
substantial-[adjective] - 상당한
ludicrous-[adjective] - 어리석은
trivial-[adjective] - 사소한
social-[adjective] - 사회적인


