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고등 영어 구문특강 2강 2번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기




There's one interesting demonstration in my class, which is making blue smoke.
You just need to turn off all the lights in the class and shine a bright spotlight on the ceiling.
Then, you can burn a few incense sticks in the beam of light.
Tiny smoke particles cause Rayleigh scattering, producing blue smoke because blue light scatters the most.
It's akin to how we see a blue sky on a clear day.
Tiny particles in the air scatter light, allowing us to see blue light in the beam.
If the weather is cloudy, vapor doesn't have that effect.
All we can see is just a gray sky there.


demonstrations-[명사] 시연
incense-[명사] 향
particles-[명사] 입자
Rayleigh scattering-[명사] 레일리 산란
water vapor-[명사] 수증기
effect-[명사] 효과
aim-[동사] 목표하다, 겨냥하다
ray-[명사] 광선
akin-[형용사] ~와 유사한



