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고1영어 24년 3월 학평 30번 문장별 2회 듣기



The rate of speed at which one is traveling will greatly determine the ability to process detail in the environment.

In evolutionary terms, human senses are adapted to the speed at which humans move through space under their own power while walking.

Our ability to distinguish detail in the
environment is therefore ideally suited to movement at speeds of perhaps five miles per hour and under.

The fastest users of the street, motorists, therefore have a much more limited ability to process details along the street -a motorist
simply has little time or ability to appreciate design details.

On the other hand, pedestrian travel, being much
slower, allows for the appreciation of environmental detail.

Joggers and bicyclists fall somewhere in between these polar opposites; while they travel faster than pedestrians, their rate
of speed is ordinarily much slower than that of the typical motorist.

* distinguish: 구별하다 ** pedestrian: 보행자


rate 빠르기
determine 결정하다
ability 능력
adapted 맞추어진, 적응된
ideally 이상적으로
suited 적합한
motorist 운전자
limited 제한된
appreciate 감상하다, 제대로 인식하다

admid ~으로 에워싸인
allow for 가능하게 하다, 허락하다
polar 극과 극의
extreme 극단의
ordinarily 보통
conversely 정반대로
notably 현저히, 특히

lack - [verb] 부족하다
admire - [verb] 감탄하며 바라보다, 존경하다
perceive-[verb] 인식하다
intricacy-[noun] 복잡성, 세부사항
evolution-[noun] 진화
adjusted-[adjective] 조정된
traversing-[verb] 횡단하는
faculties-[noun] 능력
discernment-[noun] 식별
nuances-[noun] 뉘앙스
align-[verb] ~에 맞춰 조정하다
permit-[verb] 허용하다
reside-[verb] 위치하다
rapid-[adjective] 속도가 빠른
occupants-[noun] 사용자

[고1 영어 24년 학평] - 고1영어 24년 3월 학평 29번 문장별 2회 듣기


고1영어 24년 3월 학평 29번 문장별 2회 듣기

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