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고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 6번 문장별 2회 듣기


Most people find abstract art difficult to understand and some refuse to accept it as art at all.

A common belief still persists that the principal concern of artists is to imitate nature, and judgements on works of art are made accordingly.

If this were so, our art galleries would be filled with waxworks.

The truth is that art is distinct from nature in being a product of human thought, skill and imagination.

For example, an artist does not normally paint a rose in order to copy it, but does so in order to comment on it or to express his feelings about it.

The painting of the rose may be so abstract as to make the rose seem to disappear from the painting altogether.

Art is best judged on its own merits and within the limits of its own objectives.


abstract - [형용사] 추상적인
difficult - [형용사] 어려운
art - [명사] 예술
refuse - [동사] 거부하다
imitate - [동사] 모방하다
nature - [명사] 자연
judgements - [명사] 판단
waxworks - [명사] 밀랍 인형
truth - [명사] 진실
distinct - [형용사] 구별되는
product - [명사] 산물
thought - [명사] 생각
skill - [명사] 기술
imagination - [명사] 상상력
comment - [동사] 논평하다
express - [동사] 표현하다
feelings - [명사] 감정
altogether - [부사] 전혀
merits - [명사] 공로
normally - [부사] 정상적으로

hard - [형용사] 어려운
get - [동사] 이해하다
real - [형용사] 진짜의
copy - [동사] 복사하다
see - [동사] 보다
judge - [동사] 판단하다
fake - [형용사] 가짜의
figures - [명사] 인형
different - [형용사] 다른
ideas - [명사] 아이디어
talent - [명사] 재능
dreams - [명사] 꿈
sharing - [동사] 공유하다
thoughts - [명사] 생각
feel - [동사] 느끼다
look like - [동사구] ~처럼 보이다
really - [부사] 정말로
say - [동사] 말하다
limits - [명사] 한계
objectives - [명사] 목표

[고등 구문특강] - 고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 5번 문장별 2회 듣기


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