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고등영어 구문특강 final 2회 2번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기


During the autumn, animals that hibernate have a special compound in their veins known as the hibernation trigger.
This compound kicks in when the temperature drops and daylight hours decrease.
Once activated, it prompts these creatures to get ready for the upcoming cold months. Some critters hoard provisions so they have something to munch on upon awakening, while others bulk up by consuming a lot of food in the late summer and autumn to accumulate additional fat.
This fat not only keeps them cozy but also serves as an energy reserve during their slumber.
Moreover, these animals adapt their sleeping quarters for the winter by collecting and stacking leaves and grass to maintain warmth.


autumn - [명사] 가을
animals - [명사] 동물들
hibernate - [동사] 겨울잠을 자다
compound - [명사] 화합물
veins - [명사] 정맥
hibernation trigger - [명사] 겨울잠 트리거
temperature - [명사] 온도
daylight hours - [명사] 낮 시간
prompts - [동사] 촉발하다
creatures - [명사] 생물들
cold months - [명사] 추운 달들
critters - [명사] 작은 동물들

hoard - [동사] 비축하다
provisions - [명사] 식량
munch on - [구동사] 간식을 먹다
bulk up - [구동사] 몸집을 불리다
accumulate - [동사] 축적하다
cozy - [형용사] 아늑한
energy reserve - [명사] 에너지 저장소
adapt - [동사] 적응하다
sleeping quarters - [명사] 잠자리
maintain - [동사] 유지하다
warmth - [명사] 따뜻함
slumber - [명사] 수면
stack - [동사] 쌓다
kick in - [동사] 효과가 나타나기 시작하다


