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중1 노트/지문 노트

중1영어 능률_김성곤 3 listen & talk 1 문장별 2회 듣기


Look! I like these shoes. I'll buy them.

Wait! Do you really need them?

You should make decisions carefully.

G Hi, Jinsu! Where are you going?

B Hi, Mina. I'm going to BA Mall.

G Are you going to buy anything?

B Yes. I need a baseball glove.

G Then you should go to D-Mart.

They're having a big sale now.

B Oh, really?

Then I should go there instead.


spend (돈을) 쓰다
should …해야 한다
diary 수첩, *일기
coupon 쿠폰, 할인권
make a decision 결정을 하다
advice 조언, 충고
instead 대신에
habit 버릇, 습관
keep 유지하다, *(일기 등을) 적다
try 노력하다, 애를 쓰다
price 가격
carefully 신중하게
glove 장갑

by …까지, 쯤에는
finish 끝내다, 마치다
meal 식사
first 먼저, 우선
quietly 조용히
come back 돌아오다(가다)
bring 가져오다, 데려오다
leave 두고 오다(가다)
wisely 현명하게


지문 3
Mom, I need some money.

You got your pocket money two days ago.

Where is that ten dollars?

Well, I already spent it all.

I bought some snacks and a shirt.

You bought another new shirt?

You don't plan your spending.

The shirt was only seven dollars.

It was on sale.

W But you don't need a new shirt.

You should make a shopping list and only buy the things on the list.

Okay, Mom. I'll do that next time.
pocket money 용돈
ago …전에
already 이미, 벌써
another 또 하나, 별개의
plan 계획하다
on sale 할인 중인
save 저축하다
collect 모으다
savings (복수로 쓰여) 저축, 저금
second 두 번째
spend money on …에 돈을 쓰다
only 오직, …만
enough 충분한
flea market 벼룩시장
