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중1영어 능률 김성곤 3 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기


Tomorrow, my brother and I will set up a booth at the community yard sale!

We gathered various interesting pieces from our home.
I polished them, and he tagged them with prices.
These pieces are now ready for their next journey.

Every Saturday 10:00 - 16:00

We reached the yard sale by ten in the morning.
I arranged our goods on the display.
My brother yelled, “Great finds over here!“.
Folks seemed intrigued, yet no purchases were made.
Then, a boy approached.
He mentioned, “I fancy these boots. They seem a bit pricey though.“
Alright, you can get them for a 20 percent discount,“ I offered.
He became our inaugural buyer!
As time wore on, we grew weary.
Then a lady encouraged us, “Don't give up!“.
Her stall was beside ours.
She shared some cookies with us.
We began yelling again, “Unbeatable prices this way!“
Ultimately, we managed to sell a good number of items.
What was our earnings?
We collected 24,000 won.
How shall we utilize this cash?
We'll stash half of it.
Next, we'll contribute 20 percent to feed starving kids.
Subsequently, we'll indulge in some shopping.
Perhaps we'll snag some bargains at the yard sale!


community yard sale - [noun] 커뮤니티 마당 판매
set up - [verb] 설치하다
booth - [noun] 부스
pieces - [noun] 조각들
polished - [verb] 닦다
tagged - [verb] 태그를 달다
journey - [noun] 여정
Greenwood Park - [proper noun] 그린우드 공원
reached - [verb] 도달하다
display - [noun] 진열대
yelled - [verb] 소리쳤다
Unbeatable - [adj] 타의 추종을 불허하는
Ultimately - [ad] 궁극적으로
utilize - [verb] 활용하다
stash - [verb] 챙겨두다, 넣어두다
Subsequently - [ad] 나중에
snag - [verb] 잡아채다, 건지다

intrigued - [adj] 흥미를 느낀
purchases - [noun] 구매들
boots - [noun] 부츠
pricey - [adj] 비싼
inaugural buyer - [noun] 첫 구매자
weary - [adj] 지친
encouraged - [verb] 격려했다
stall - [noun] 판매대
cookies - [noun] 쿠키
earnings - [noun] 수익
stash - [verb] 숨기다
contribute - [verb] 기여하다
starving kids - [noun] 굶주린 아이들
indulge - [verb] 탐닉하다
bargains - [noun] 특가 상품들

[중1 영어 능률_김성곤] - 중1영어 능률_김성곤 3 문장별 2회 듣기


중1영어 능률_김성곤 3 문장별 2회 듣기

지문Let's Go to the Flea MarketFriday, May 25thTomorrow, my sister and I will sell things at the flea market!We found many good items around the house.I cleaned them, and she made their price tags.These things are ready for new owners now.Woo-hoo!RIVERSI


