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고1영어 24년 3월 학력평가 37번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기


With no automobiles available, the Aztec empire excelled at transporting goods by foot.

The couriers were stationed on the trade routes to convey the Aztec emperor's commands and reports from his territories.

Known as Tlacamilliztli, they lived in teams of three to five in outposts, positioned every three to four miles along the routes.

They were all young men and particularly skilled walkers who kept watch over the paths in both directions.

If they spotted another courier approaching, they hastened to intercept them.

The Aztecs erected the outposts on elevated terrain, within sight of one another.

As a courier neared the next outpost, he began to shout and repeated the message three or four times to the one who was hurrying out to meet him.

The Aztec empire could relay goods 1,000 miles (1,610 km) in three or four days under favorable circumstances.


available 구할 수 있는
empire 제국
deliver 전달하다
near 다가가다
repeat 반복하다
relay 이어가다
condition 사정, 상황
station 배치하다
royal 왕의, 왕실의
hut 오두막
apart 떨어진
hurry out 서둘러 나오다
spot 점, 발견하다, 알아채다

Aztec-[명사] 아즈텍
transporting-[명사] 운송
couriers-[명사] 택배원
Tlacamilliztli-[명사] 틀라카밀리스티(아즈텍 제국의 택배원)
outposts-[명사] 전초기지
positioned-[동사] 위치한
hasten [동사] 서둘러 하다, 재촉하다
intercept-[동사] 가로채다
erected-[동사] 세우다
elevated-[형용사] 고지의
terrain-[명사] 지형
favorable-[형용사] 유리한
circumstances-[명사] 환경
convey - [동사] 전달하다


[고1 영어 24년 학평] - 고1영어 24년 3월 학평 37번 문장별 2회 듣기


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