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고1 노트/모의고사 지문 노트

고1영어 24년 3월 학평 34번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기



Many studies have shown how experienced individuals in a certain field often struggle when teaching newcomers to that field.

For instance, in real teaching situations, Dr. Pamela Hinds discovered that people who are skilled in using mobile phones were significantly less accurate than novice phone users in judging how long it takes for people to learn to use the phones.

Experts can become unaware of how challenging a task is for beginners, a phenomenon known as the 'curse of knowledge'.

Dr. Hinds demonstrated that as individuals gained the skill, they then started to underestimate the difficulty level of that skill.

Her participants even underrated how much time it had taken them to acquire that skill in a previous session.

Understanding that experts tend to forget how difficult it was for them to learn, we can grasp the importance of looking at the learning process from students' perspectives.


research 연구
expert 전문가
difficulty 어려움
newcomer 초보
genuine 실제
remarkably 놀랍게
accurate 정확한
judge 판단하다
insensitive 무감각한
acquire 습득하다
session 기간, 시간
individuals-[noun] 개인들
phenomenon-[noun] 현상
unaware-[adjective] 알지 못하는
underrated-[adjective] 과소평가된
grasp-[verb] 이해하다
demonstrate 입증하다, 시위에 참여하다
previous 이전의
perspectives 관점, 시각
underestimate 과소평가하다
assumption 추정, 가정
refer 나타내다, 참조하다, 조회하다

[고1 영어 24년 학평] - 고1영어 24년 3월 학평 34번 문장별 2회 듣기


고1영어 24년 3월 학평 34번 문장별 2회 듣기

지문 A number of research studies have shown how experts in a field often experience difficulties when introducing newcomers to that field. For example, in a genuine training situation, Dr Pamela Hinds found that people expert in using mobile phones were


