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고등 구문특강 1강 1번 문장별 2회 듣기 mp3


The venom of a bee resembles the venom of a snake, and the sting of a bee can, in some instances, prove dangerous. Yet while most people react quickly to a snake bite, they tend to ignore a bee sting. That failure to act, however, can be a mistake. Bee stings can actually have deadly consequences if a person is allergic to bee venom. Thus it is better not to take any chances with bee stings. First, remove the stinger by brushing it away; don't try to pull it out. Then apply one of the several professional bee-sting remedies to the whitish swelling that appears almost immediately following the sting. If the swelling continues throughout the day or if it becomes difficult to breathe, call a doctor.
고등 구문특강 1강 2번 문장별 2회 듣기 mp3 


venom - [noun] 독
bee - [noun] 벌
snake - [noun] 뱀
sting - [noun] 쏘다, 쏘기
dangerous - [adjective] 위험한
allergic - [adjective] 알레르기 반응을 일으키는
deadly - [adjective] 치명적인
consequence - [noun] 결과
brush away - (idiom) (벌에게서) 털어내다
pull out - (idiom) 뽑아내다
failure - 실패, ~하지 않음
stinger - [noun] 벌침
remedies-[명사] 치료법
swelling-[명사] 종기
resemble-[동사] 닮다
ignore-[동사] 무시하다

