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The gap between the market and the real economy seems to be widening these days.
While terms like financial transactions or Wall Street might be familiar, it's worth considering how these changes are actually unfolding on Main Street.
The risks stemming from the financial system are growing, and it's worth thinking about how this might impact our economy.
It feels like a few people have too much money and power, making it tough for the rest of us.
If this trend continues, it could undermine the growth of our nation.


financialization 금융화(금융 시스템에 의해 제조업이 지배되는 현상)
markets-[noun] 시장
real economy-[noun] 실물 경제
Wall Street-[noun] 월스트리트
Main Street-[noun] 메인스트리트
distortions-[noun] 왜곡
boost-[verb] 촉진하다, [noun] 증가
risks-[noun] 위험
inherent-[adjective] 내재하는
financial system-[noun] 금융 시스템
concentrated-[adjective] 집중된
virtual-[adjective] 가상의
innovators-[noun] 혁신가
inequality -[noun] 불평등

investors-[noun] 투자자
cash management-[noun] 현금 관리
innovation-[noun] 혁신
hiding-[verb] 숨기다
choking off-[verb] 막다
growth-[noun] 성장
nation-[noun] 국가
financialization-[noun] 금융화
divide-[noun] 격차, [verb] 나누다
prosper - [verb] 번영하다
attract - [verb] 끌어들이다
stem - [verb] 막다, 저지하다
impact - [verb] 영향을 주다
undermine - [verb] 악화시키다
enterprises-[noun] 기업
struggle-[verb] 투쟁하다



