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고1 노트/모의고사 지문 노트

고1영어 24년 3월 학평 35번 문장별 2회 듣기



A group of psychologists studied individuals with severe mental illness who experienced weekly group music therapy, including singing familiar songs and composing original songs.
The results showed that the group music therapy improved the quality of participants' life, with those participating in a greater number of sessions experiencing the greatest benefits.
Focusing on singing, another group of psychologists reviewed articles on the efficacy of group singing as a mental health treatment for individuals living with a mental health condition in a community setting
The findings showed that, when people with mental health conditions participated in a choir, their mental health and wellbeing significantly improved. 
The negative effects of music were greater than the psychologists expected. 
Group singing provided enjoyment, improved emotional states, developed a sense of belonging and enhanced self-confidence.


mental health professionals-[명사] 정신 건강 전문가들
conducted-[동사] 수행했다
psychologists-[명사] 심리학자들

studied-[동사] 연구하다
individuals-[명사] 개인들
severe-[형용사] 심각한
mental illness-[명사] 정신 질환
weekly-[부사] 매주
group music therapy-[명사] 단체 음악 치료
singing-[명사] 노래 부르기
familiar songs-[명사] 익숙한 노래들
composing-[명사] 작곡하기
original songs-[명사] 원곡들
quality of life-[명사] 삶의 질
participants-[명사] 참가자들
sessions-[명사] 세션들(기간, 활동시간)
efficacy-[명사] 효능
mental health treatment-[명사] 정신 건강 치료
community setting-[명사] 지역사회 환경
choir-[명사] 합창단
wellbeing-[명사] 웰빙, 안녕
negative effects-[명사] 부정적인 효과들
enjoyment-[명사] 즐거움
emotional states-[명사] 감정 상태들
sense of belonging-[명사] 소속감
self-confidence-[명사] 자신감

revealed-[동사] 드러냈다
serious-[형용사] 심각한
mental disorders-[명사] 정신 장애
attended-[동사] 참석했다
collective music sessions-[명사] 집단 음악 세션
belting out-[동사] 크게 부르기
well-known tunes-[명사] 잘 알려진 곡들
reap-[동사] 거두다
new melodies-[명사] 새로운 멜로디
life standards-[명사] 생활 수준
attendees-[명사] 참석자들
vocal activities-[명사] 보컬 활동
shift-[동사] 옮기다
effectiveness-[명사] 효과성
communal environment-[명사] 공동체 환경
singing group-[명사] 합창단
overall happiness-[명사] 전반적인 행복
adverse impacts-[명사] 부정적 영향
pleasure-[명사] 즐거움
mood-[명사] 기분
community spirit-[명사] 커뮤니티 정신
self-esteem-[명사] 자존감
vocalization-[명사] 발성
markedly-[부사] 현저하게
pronounced-[형] 확연한, 천명된
anticipated-[형] 기대된
fostered-[동사] 발전시키다


