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고등영어 구문특강 final 2회 4번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Most frogs have their babies in water, but the African gray treefrog does things a bit differently. The mom frog climbs up a tree branch right over a spot where there’s water below. She lets out a gooey substance, and before it can fall down into the water, she gives it a kick with her back legs. She keeps doing this, making the gooey drops puff up like little balloons.In no time, she turns th..
고등영어 구문특강 final 2회 4번 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Most frogs lay eggs in water. But the place the African gray treefrog lays eggs is in a nest in a tree. The female frog climbs onto a branch above a pool of water.She releases a thick liquid, and before it has a chance to drip into the pool, she kicks it with her hind legs. She does this repeatedly, allowing the drops of liquid to swell like small balloons.Soon she whipped the liquid into a bi..
고등영어 구문특강 final 2회 2번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기 지문During the autumn, animals that hibernate have a special compound in their veins known as the hibernation trigger. This compound kicks in when the temperature drops and daylight hours decrease. Once activated, it prompts these creatures to get ready for the upcoming cold months. Some critters hoard provisions so they have something to munch on upon awakening, while others bulk up by consuming ..
고등영어 구문특강 final2회 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Hibernating animals have a special substance in the blood called hibernation inducement trigger, or HIT.This substance becomes active in the fall, when the days become cooler and shorter. When HIT becomes active, it signals the animals to start preparing for the long winter. Some animals store food so that they can eat when they wake up, and others eat a lot in late summer and fall to add exce..
구문특강 final2_1번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Switching to organic skincare might seem like a softer approach to pampering your skin, but plenty of typical substances found in these products can still bug your skin. A lemon fresh from the tree is as real and unadulterated as it gets, yet it might still make your skin turn red, feel scratchy, and become annoyed. On the flip side, a synthetically made face lotion can calm your skin down. Pe..
구문특강 final2_1번 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Getting back to nature with organics may seem like a gentler way to care for your skin, but many common chemicals found in organic products can offend your skin. A lemon picked straight off the tree is as natural and pure as possible, but it can still leave your skin red, itchy, and irritated. In contrast, a chemically produced toner can soothe your skin. Mint and eucalyptus are prime offender..
고등영어 구문특강 final 1 8번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Vernon always said he didn't like his dad much. Explaining why is hard for him, though. His mom passed away when he was just a kid, at 11. After that, his dad hired a maid and her family came to live with them. Vernon couldn't stand them, especially the maid's son who was really arrogant. To get away from all the negativity at home, Vernon joined the military. He's determined not to treat his ..
고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 8번 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Vernon says that he hated his father. But he finds it difficult to explain what his father did to him in childhood. Vernon's mother died when he was 11 years old. After that, his father engaged a housekeeper and her family to move in.Vernon did not get on with them, especially the housekeeper's son, whom he describes as being cocky. Vernon went into the army in order to escape the abuse he was..