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고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 6번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Many people find it hard to get what abstract art is about, and some even say it's not real art. A lot of folks think that artists are supposed to just copy what they see in nature, and that's how they judge art. If that was true, our museums would be full of fake figures. But actually, art is different from nature because it comes from human ideas, talent, and dreams. Like, when an artist pai..
고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 6번 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Most people find abstract art difficult to understand and some refuse to accept it as art at all. A common belief still persists that the principal concern of artists is to imitate nature, and judgements on works of art are made accordingly.If this were so, our art galleries would be filled with waxworks. The truth is that art is distinct from nature in being a product of human thought, skill ..
고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 5번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Maps are like snapshots of our round world on a piece of paper. If we could have all maps in 3D, we'd see the lands and seas just as they are. But, since most maps are 2D, we have to squish the globe's surface onto paper, and that messes up how things really look. To fix this issue, mapmakers use special tricks called map projections to make our bumpy Earth look right on a flat surface. One po..
고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 5번 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Our minds are divided into what is known as consciousness and subconsciousness. The subconscious operates very quickly without dealing with emotions. It handles our responses, memories, and recognitions in life. However, we have more control over consciousness. We think and can choose whether to continue a thought or to add emotions to it. And this is the part of our minds that often disappoin..
고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 4번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Every year, big chunks of woods in Brazil, Indonesia, and some other places get chopped down and burned to clear space for businesses or farming. This process wipes out about 12 million hectares of jungle from our planet. Cutting down these forests messes up the homes of many plants and critters. It also makes climate change worse because trees suck up CO2 from the air. CO2 is a type of air po..
고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 4번 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Each year, large areas of forests in Brazil, Indonesia, and other countries are cut down and burned to make way for commercial or agricultural use. This clear cutting removes about 12 million hectares of rainforests from Earth's surface. Clear cutting destroys ecosystems where plants and animals live. It also worsens global warming because trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbo..
고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 3번 유사지문 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Around the world, people think about dreams in different ways. Some folks in places like the US might see dreams as just make-believe, not really tied to anything happening for real. But in other parts of the globe, dreams are taken seriously as clues about what’s coming up or how someone is feeling on the inside. This difference in viewpoint can affect whether someone remembers their dreams o..
고등영어 구문특강 final 1회 3번 문장별 2회 듣기 지문Different cultures put different emphases on dreams and hold varying beliefs as to what dreams really mean. For instance, many people in the Western world view dreams as fantasy not connected in any way to the real world. In contrast, people in many other cultures regard dreams as important sources of information concerning the future and the dreamer's spiritual state. Such cultural diversity ..